Senior Project-Week 1,2, and 3

        Starting out this project, I had to decide what I wanted the viewers to see when they first opened my website. Since the symbol of a bakery is a cupcake, I made that the center focus of my project. When I decided on the cupcake, I started sketching out ideas that were attention grabbing, but also simple and minimalist. I sketched out several ideas, but they all seemed very complex and busy, the exact opposite of what I wanted. I thought that going to Illustrator would maybe help me, but that made me even more confused, so back to the paper I go. I kept sketching, and finally came to the thought of only having flat, geometric shapes, with the exception of a circle, to create my home page.

After much more sketching, I went into Illustrator and put my sketches to the computer. Of course, my sketches did not directly translate well in Illustrator, but I messed with it a little, and came up with the picture below. I like it because it's simple that I can call it a minimalist layout, but also it doesn't look boring and pretty cute. I might make a few minor changes, but other than those, I really like the design and am going to continue making the other pages and the website.


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